- Events
- Catching Fire on 4/24 still has room
- Telestrations and Letterboxing are planned for May
- event ideas
- smartypants game requested again
- we can hold in September
- Library Sleepover
- would have to get permission
- combine with the October Lock-in, held afterwards that way you could sign up for the lock-in and go home or sing up for both and stay
- Magic the Gathering
- any information on this
- very popular
- generally for ages 10-18
- hold in a manner similar to the way LEGO club is held
- programs already in the works for the fall
- archery demo in September
- hunger games survival program for November
- lock-in definite for October
- TAB only activities
- summer ad we'll be doing in May - combination of puppets and live action
- Barnes and Noble Event scheduled for May 30 unless issues arise
- Next meeting May 21 @ 5:00
- this meeting will be filming and editing of the summer ad