Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Teen Advisory Board Outing

The Teen Advisory Board visited Barnes and Noble on Friday, March 22, to buy books for the children's and teen departments at the library.  This event was open to Advisory Board Members only.  The kids had a lot of fun and bought a total of 111 books for the library.

Book Talk

The Scorpio Races
Maggie Stiefvater
An interesting take on the myth of the water horse.  Every November on the Island of Thisby only the bravest race the water horses.  It is a deadly race.  Sean Kendrick is a returning champion, his skills with the water horses is almost otherworldly.  Puck Connolly never meant to race but to save her house and family she has no choice.  These two characters who are so different come to work together to paint a beautiful picture about life and fate.  It's a breath-taking story you shouldn't miss.
~from the Teen Review