- Events for June
- miniature golf set for Friday, June 7 @ 6:30
- about 1.5 hours
- don't forget to register
- Summer film
- filming is complete
- the puppet show will be distributed to the schools for promoting the summer reading program
- the film is already up on the library website
- Summer schedule
- Is there an interest in continuing meetings through the summer? Yes
- presented a sneak peak of the summer program schedule
- thoughts of doing another TAB members only event - suggested a trip to Buffemville for swimming and letterboxing. Possibly for the month of July. - in the works.
- Program ideas for coming year
- take some time and think about this - looking for some suggestions for next month's meeting
- also think about creating a website for Teen Advisory
- Friends Book Sale
- an expressed interest in helping at this event or even having a side event at the same time
- decided to place this on hold for next year due to the fact that the sale is in less than a week and that's not enough time to plan.
- Newsletter
- are there any changes that need to be made to the Teen Scene. any additions? substitutions? or eliminations?
- consensus is that the newsletter is fine the way it is for the moment.
- Next meeting - July 23 @ 5:00
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